Monday, April 25, 2011

Back where I came from

This past weekend, I made a rare visit back to my hometown and spent some time with family. You know how these visits go: zipping around to try and spend "just enough" time with loved ones, and that "just enough" is never really "enough," is it? Also, there were a few people missing, but I'm hoping to rectify that the MOMENT I get this darn Master's Degree out of the way! (Just a few more weeks!)

While I was there, I hung out with my seven-year-old nephew, Nolan, and his little sister, 5-month-old Samantha. I snagged some iPhone shots and filtered them with this AMAZING iPhone app called Instagram. I have many, but thought I'd share two of them.

 This is Nolan. Looking very. Very. Serious. Actually, he was trying to pretend he didn't want his pic taken and was attempting fake crankiness. I think it's a perfect shot. The filter is called 'Gotham.'
Here's Samantha. Can you get over those eyes of hers? I think the filter I used for this was 'Nashville.' 

And what did YOU do, this weekend?

1 comment:

Dana said...

She's a beautiful